Thursday, July 12, 2012

What Is Holding You Back - Tapping Into Tarot To Discover Your True Life Purpose

The tarot is a great tool for discovering your authentic life purpose. Symbology, archetypes, intuition, interpretation and psychic gifts are all at play during a life, karma or PURPOSE tarot reading.

Tarot is different from other types of readings on a number of levels:

1 - Tarot is much more symbolic than traditional psychic readings. While ALL readings have a certain of level of symbolic interpretation, tarot is obviously, by de facto... an interpretive art.

Here is an example -

I recently spoke to a well known "celebrity" psychic medium who is well known from TV, and speaks and does demonstrations all over the globe.

One of the things he said was, when he gets a message from the other side... it's almost ALWAYS in some sort of sign or symbol that he needs to filter or understand to read properly.

In tarot, you have THAT level going on, as well as many more levels "down"... where one card may mean one thing to one reader, and another more experienced or intuitive tarot psychic, may have a much richer, deeper and more complete understanding of the blocks in your life, and what you need to overcome them as well.

In some respects, a professional tarot reader needs to be both a psychologist and a psychic as well!

2 - Tarot CAN be, when done properly... lay a very linear path to learning to overcome the obstacles that are holding you back.

Rather than abstract readings that are only intuitive in nature, tarot can create a clear path for you to follow when making future life choices. For many of who feel "stuck" and are seeking out guidance, or need a gentle nudge in the right direction when a big life decision presents itself, a good tarot reading can be (and often is) a god send.

The funny thing? While some of the worlds most rich and famous celebrities notoriously use tarot readings, clairvoyants and gifted psychics to make major life choices, many skeptics and cynics still scoff at the idea that the tarot is a viable tool for making important decisions. What's so funny about that IS, many of those same people use all sorts of other tools and techniques like therapy, psychologist and even "mood medication" to help them move forward in their lives... which are pretty much proven to be completely INEFFECTIVE in the long run for all! Alternatively, spiritual tools and techniques and guidance is ONE of the very few proven paths to discovering your PASSION and purpose in life. (And tarot is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to begin)

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