Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Purpose Of A T-Square In Your Birth Chart

One of the most common aspect patterns found in the Birth Chart is known as a 'T-square' or 'T cross'. This is formed by an opposition and two square aspects, which creates a red triangle. The red alerts us that this figure is full of energy and the triangle has a creative dynamic motivation. In Astrological/Psychology this aspect pattern is called the 'efficiency triangle'. However, from my own experience with clients and of having one in my own chart, one goes through a lot of frustration before this figure can be used with efficiency! This, however, maybe its purpose and intent.

Giving the opposition a Saturn quality and the Square a Mars motivation; it is little wonder that this figure can indeed cause frustration. Red aspects are 'doing energy', and this triangle gives the person an enormous inner drive of self motivation to achieve and to get things done. Often there is little to show for our efforts or the results are disappointing. This can leave us disheartened and discourage. It can however, create change or at least the awareness that we need to.

The Focal Planet

The focal planet is the apex of the triangle. This is a tension point where stress could be experienced. It can however, provide the motivation to develop the energy of the planet further, eg, by developing a new talent or strengthening a specific characteristic. The house it is in is the area of life where it is released and expressed. This will create challenges for the individual because of both squares and the tension from the opposition. The opposite sign of the apex planet can indicate an area of vulnerability; however, this can be overcome by developing the qualities of the opposite sign.

Finding its Purpose

We always need to look at the signs, planets and houses involved in assessing any aspect in our charts. However, as I want to draw attention to the purpose of the aspect, looking at the modes of cardinal, fixed or mutable of your T-square may give you some clues.


The T-square has an innate in cardinal energy.These planets cannot remain dormant. The energies involved are forced to be used and to be developed. If this combination is in cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, then this drive will be doubly active. Those with this T-square could be inclined to go after what they want. It gives much vitality, drive and assertiveness. This can keep one on the move, busy or where we can appear to be in a rush. There may also be a tendency to overdo things by attempting to accomplish too much too soon, especially if Aries is involved. If you have this type of pattern in your chart you may need to learn how to structure the energy, using it more constructively. Maybe learning patience, compromise, and evaluating your actions will help to turn this energy into efficiency.

A Fixed T-Square

A T-square in the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius would give a person strong determination, strength of will as well as stubbornness. As fixed signs are about values and security, those who have this aspect pattern would hold on to whatever made them feel secure. The urge to retain whatever they possessed could be a powerful trait. Persistence in pursuit of their goals can make them appear ruthless at times. Suppressed feelings and holding on to hurtful and negative emotions could cause stress and illness. Something will need to give with this T-square and it may be the focal planet when the energy gets released or explodes. Driven by their security needs and the frustration these may cause, this aspect pattern could force them to look again at their values. When working efficiently this energy could be used to build something stable and secure in one's life.

The Mutable T-square

The Mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces tend to gather knowledge which is usually eagerly passed on to others. In this aspect pattern their minds could be in constant fluctuation seeking and gathering information from everywhere. A restless mind that actively looks for fresh stimulation, as boredom can easily set in. The nervous system could be affected, making them highly strung. Although flexibility and adaptability can be an asset, used negatively they may lack direction, be very indecisive and could come across as unreliable to others. What could be beneficial for this T-square is actually finding a subject or cause that can absorb all this mental energy. A mental challenge that will focus the mind. Finding the appropriate channel will bring more discipline to this mutable energy.

Here is a Vital Clue

This applies to all the T-Squares. Look at the opposite sign from the apex planet, the one that is not involved in the aspect pattern. Developing the attributes and qualities of this sign may help in using this pattern more 'efficiently'. This may also be this aspects intent, as developing the opposite number balances the psyche. This missing sign is worth investigation

Having a T-square in the Birth Chart can give a person dynamic energy. Each of the different modes of Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable will need to find suitable channels before this can turn into an 'efficiency triangle'.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

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