Friday, July 13, 2012

Is Love In The Stars?

Is love in the stars? Can a Capricorn be happy with a Sagittarian? Is it OK for a Gemini to date a Scorpio? The short answer is, absolutely yes! An astrology that limits human beings to what they can and cannot do based on one simple factor (the Sun-sign) is no astrology that is worth having.

That is not to say of course, that your Sun-sign means nothing when it comes to love. The Sun is a very important planet in astrology, representing your heart centre, your path in life and core sense of identity to be developed over a lifetime. It is true therefore that there is some innate antipathy between the life path of a Capricorn (serious, committed, structured, likes rules) and a Sagittarian (freedom, no boundaries, life as adventure and experience) and between one of a Gemini (the butterfly, lightness, duality) and a Scorpio (intensity, focus, all-consuming engagement). Yet we are all complex beings, with a multitude of different characters within, many of which are symbolised by the astrological language.

For example, you may be a Sun in Gemini, but if you have Moon in Scorpio (emotional intensity) and Venus in Cancer (a liking for emotionally close relationships) then a Sun Scorpio might be just the thing for you, depending on his or her other placements and yours.

The astrological chart is a complex map, and so it should be. Human beings are not straightforward. We all have our contradictions and complexities. Whilst the whole chart pertains to relationship in a sense, there are some factors that you may like to concentrate on in particular when analysing your own relationship needs.

Make sure your Moon is honoured. An unhappy Moon is a terrible thing! If your Moon is in Aquarius in the 11th house, feed her with plenty of friendships, social activities and community involvement. Do not get involved with a partner who cannot appreciate this! Choose someone who can also enjoy this or at the very least understands it is fundamental to your enjoyment of the world - a basic need of your soul.

Consider your Descendant sign. The Descendant sign is always the one opposite your Ascendant. For example, if you have Cancer on the Ascendant then you will have Capricorn on the Descendant. A partner therefore will need to take some of your liking for security, stability and perhaps even a slightly parental feel. Selecting a mate who is unreliable, commitment-phobic, immature or weak simply isn't going to do it for you.

Focus on Venus, the goddess of love herself. She will tell you about the style of relationship you like, the qualities you value in a partner and what you yourself wish to express in partnership. If you have Venus in Leo then you will enjoy a partnership that has shown and style, that allows you to feel pride. You may enjoy glamour, parties and luxurious evenings together. Allow your relationship to dwindle into monotonous TV dinners at your peril...

To conclude, love is aided by guidance from the stars, but not in a simple way. Investigate your whole chart before dismissing that brooding Scorpio in the corner or the Gemini dazzling everyone with her wit in the middle of the room.

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