Friday, July 13, 2012

Is Love In The Stars?

Is love in the stars? Can a Capricorn be happy with a Sagittarian? Is it OK for a Gemini to date a Scorpio? The short answer is, absolutely yes! An astrology that limits human beings to what they can and cannot do based on one simple factor (the Sun-sign) is no astrology that is worth having.

That is not to say of course, that your Sun-sign means nothing when it comes to love. The Sun is a very important planet in astrology, representing your heart centre, your path in life and core sense of identity to be developed over a lifetime. It is true therefore that there is some innate antipathy between the life path of a Capricorn (serious, committed, structured, likes rules) and a Sagittarian (freedom, no boundaries, life as adventure and experience) and between one of a Gemini (the butterfly, lightness, duality) and a Scorpio (intensity, focus, all-consuming engagement). Yet we are all complex beings, with a multitude of different characters within, many of which are symbolised by the astrological language.

For example, you may be a Sun in Gemini, but if you have Moon in Scorpio (emotional intensity) and Venus in Cancer (a liking for emotionally close relationships) then a Sun Scorpio might be just the thing for you, depending on his or her other placements and yours.

The astrological chart is a complex map, and so it should be. Human beings are not straightforward. We all have our contradictions and complexities. Whilst the whole chart pertains to relationship in a sense, there are some factors that you may like to concentrate on in particular when analysing your own relationship needs.

Make sure your Moon is honoured. An unhappy Moon is a terrible thing! If your Moon is in Aquarius in the 11th house, feed her with plenty of friendships, social activities and community involvement. Do not get involved with a partner who cannot appreciate this! Choose someone who can also enjoy this or at the very least understands it is fundamental to your enjoyment of the world - a basic need of your soul.

Consider your Descendant sign. The Descendant sign is always the one opposite your Ascendant. For example, if you have Cancer on the Ascendant then you will have Capricorn on the Descendant. A partner therefore will need to take some of your liking for security, stability and perhaps even a slightly parental feel. Selecting a mate who is unreliable, commitment-phobic, immature or weak simply isn't going to do it for you.

Focus on Venus, the goddess of love herself. She will tell you about the style of relationship you like, the qualities you value in a partner and what you yourself wish to express in partnership. If you have Venus in Leo then you will enjoy a partnership that has shown and style, that allows you to feel pride. You may enjoy glamour, parties and luxurious evenings together. Allow your relationship to dwindle into monotonous TV dinners at your peril...

To conclude, love is aided by guidance from the stars, but not in a simple way. Investigate your whole chart before dismissing that brooding Scorpio in the corner or the Gemini dazzling everyone with her wit in the middle of the room.

Making The Most of Your Phone Psychic Reading

Nowadays, psychic readings by phone are increasingly becoming popular.

With complete physical or visual anonymity, it has become one of the most favored forms of psychic reading today.

Having telephone psychics giving you a reading is a special and better experience as it removes the need for a face to face reading and there are no unconscious visual clues based on what you look like or what you are wearing.

But before you take your own reading via phone, here are some tips on how to make the most out of it:

Take some time before your reading to think about which areas and issues in your life are most important to you as well as what you really want from the reading. Write down these pertinent questions about these areas and issues on paper. By having a reading with a specific focus, it will usually be more satisfactory than a "general" reading which has no real focus.

Once you're really clear about what you want to know, then it's time to choose a site that offers telephone psychic readings. These days, there are a lot of sites that offer this service. But before you choose, do a bit of research around different telephone psychic sites to see which ones are reputable and trustworthy.

Also bear in mind that along with other considerations, the way you are treated on reception will give you a huge clue on the reputation of the site and the psychic itself. A reputable psychic and site will allow you to have an informal chat about what kind of psychic reading is right for you and which reader might suit you without ever feeling under pressure to go ahead and have a psychic reading.

Then in choosing your psychic reader, choose one that you have a good professional relationship with. If not, you can choose one from the profiles provided by the site on each of their psychic readers where a bit more information about them are provided and also see what other people who have had a psychic reading with them have said.

However, at the end of the day, the choice of a reader should be all about what you feel is right for you. Readers are all very different and sometimes it's down to the type of psychic reading you want and sometimes just down to chemistry. So choose well. Again, ask for an informal chat with someone in reception without feeling under pressure to have a psychic reading.

Make sure also if the site will refund or give you a chance to choose another reader if in case you cannot make a connection. Every company is different, so do a check whether that's the case before you go ahead and book a telephone psychic reading by credit card.

Make sure to have with you a paper and pen to write down what you're told in your reading so that you can refer back to it, particularly the predictions and the time frame they relate to. Make sure to take as many notes as you like and jot down anything that you want to know more about. There are also many telephone psychic sites that provide recordings of readings so that you can listen to them again, but you also want to stay on track as you're actually having the psychic reading.

Then, after the phone reading, while the readings are still fresh in your mind, try to write down new ideas or perspectives that have come out of the psychic reading or things that you want to actually do as a result. Make mini action plans.

This article is brought to you by FREE DAILY HOROSCOPE.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

What Is Holding You Back - Tapping Into Tarot To Discover Your True Life Purpose

The tarot is a great tool for discovering your authentic life purpose. Symbology, archetypes, intuition, interpretation and psychic gifts are all at play during a life, karma or PURPOSE tarot reading.

Tarot is different from other types of readings on a number of levels:

1 - Tarot is much more symbolic than traditional psychic readings. While ALL readings have a certain of level of symbolic interpretation, tarot is obviously, by de facto... an interpretive art.

Here is an example -

I recently spoke to a well known "celebrity" psychic medium who is well known from TV, and speaks and does demonstrations all over the globe.

One of the things he said was, when he gets a message from the other side... it's almost ALWAYS in some sort of sign or symbol that he needs to filter or understand to read properly.

In tarot, you have THAT level going on, as well as many more levels "down"... where one card may mean one thing to one reader, and another more experienced or intuitive tarot psychic, may have a much richer, deeper and more complete understanding of the blocks in your life, and what you need to overcome them as well.

In some respects, a professional tarot reader needs to be both a psychologist and a psychic as well!

2 - Tarot CAN be, when done properly... lay a very linear path to learning to overcome the obstacles that are holding you back.

Rather than abstract readings that are only intuitive in nature, tarot can create a clear path for you to follow when making future life choices. For many of who feel "stuck" and are seeking out guidance, or need a gentle nudge in the right direction when a big life decision presents itself, a good tarot reading can be (and often is) a god send.

The funny thing? While some of the worlds most rich and famous celebrities notoriously use tarot readings, clairvoyants and gifted psychics to make major life choices, many skeptics and cynics still scoff at the idea that the tarot is a viable tool for making important decisions. What's so funny about that IS, many of those same people use all sorts of other tools and techniques like therapy, psychologist and even "mood medication" to help them move forward in their lives... which are pretty much proven to be completely INEFFECTIVE in the long run for all! Alternatively, spiritual tools and techniques and guidance is ONE of the very few proven paths to discovering your PASSION and purpose in life. (And tarot is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to begin)

This news article is brought to you by INTERNET-MARKETING - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Purpose Of A T-Square In Your Birth Chart

One of the most common aspect patterns found in the Birth Chart is known as a 'T-square' or 'T cross'. This is formed by an opposition and two square aspects, which creates a red triangle. The red alerts us that this figure is full of energy and the triangle has a creative dynamic motivation. In Astrological/Psychology this aspect pattern is called the 'efficiency triangle'. However, from my own experience with clients and of having one in my own chart, one goes through a lot of frustration before this figure can be used with efficiency! This, however, maybe its purpose and intent.

Giving the opposition a Saturn quality and the Square a Mars motivation; it is little wonder that this figure can indeed cause frustration. Red aspects are 'doing energy', and this triangle gives the person an enormous inner drive of self motivation to achieve and to get things done. Often there is little to show for our efforts or the results are disappointing. This can leave us disheartened and discourage. It can however, create change or at least the awareness that we need to.

The Focal Planet

The focal planet is the apex of the triangle. This is a tension point where stress could be experienced. It can however, provide the motivation to develop the energy of the planet further, eg, by developing a new talent or strengthening a specific characteristic. The house it is in is the area of life where it is released and expressed. This will create challenges for the individual because of both squares and the tension from the opposition. The opposite sign of the apex planet can indicate an area of vulnerability; however, this can be overcome by developing the qualities of the opposite sign.

Finding its Purpose

We always need to look at the signs, planets and houses involved in assessing any aspect in our charts. However, as I want to draw attention to the purpose of the aspect, looking at the modes of cardinal, fixed or mutable of your T-square may give you some clues.


The T-square has an innate in cardinal energy.These planets cannot remain dormant. The energies involved are forced to be used and to be developed. If this combination is in cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, then this drive will be doubly active. Those with this T-square could be inclined to go after what they want. It gives much vitality, drive and assertiveness. This can keep one on the move, busy or where we can appear to be in a rush. There may also be a tendency to overdo things by attempting to accomplish too much too soon, especially if Aries is involved. If you have this type of pattern in your chart you may need to learn how to structure the energy, using it more constructively. Maybe learning patience, compromise, and evaluating your actions will help to turn this energy into efficiency.

A Fixed T-Square

A T-square in the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius would give a person strong determination, strength of will as well as stubbornness. As fixed signs are about values and security, those who have this aspect pattern would hold on to whatever made them feel secure. The urge to retain whatever they possessed could be a powerful trait. Persistence in pursuit of their goals can make them appear ruthless at times. Suppressed feelings and holding on to hurtful and negative emotions could cause stress and illness. Something will need to give with this T-square and it may be the focal planet when the energy gets released or explodes. Driven by their security needs and the frustration these may cause, this aspect pattern could force them to look again at their values. When working efficiently this energy could be used to build something stable and secure in one's life.

The Mutable T-square

The Mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces tend to gather knowledge which is usually eagerly passed on to others. In this aspect pattern their minds could be in constant fluctuation seeking and gathering information from everywhere. A restless mind that actively looks for fresh stimulation, as boredom can easily set in. The nervous system could be affected, making them highly strung. Although flexibility and adaptability can be an asset, used negatively they may lack direction, be very indecisive and could come across as unreliable to others. What could be beneficial for this T-square is actually finding a subject or cause that can absorb all this mental energy. A mental challenge that will focus the mind. Finding the appropriate channel will bring more discipline to this mutable energy.

Here is a Vital Clue

This applies to all the T-Squares. Look at the opposite sign from the apex planet, the one that is not involved in the aspect pattern. Developing the attributes and qualities of this sign may help in using this pattern more 'efficiently'. This may also be this aspects intent, as developing the opposite number balances the psyche. This missing sign is worth investigation

Having a T-square in the Birth Chart can give a person dynamic energy. Each of the different modes of Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable will need to find suitable channels before this can turn into an 'efficiency triangle'.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Mercury Retrograde in Leo - Drama With a Capital D

July 14th through August 8th, 2012

There have been too many times that Mercury's retrograde has gotten a bad rap. This Mercury's retrograde is going to be a testimonial to what I've been saying all along, "Mercury's retrograde is not bad." Its just a time to revisit the past. Mercury will be doing his whole retrograde in Leo, and yes, Leos love drama. But, who doesn't? Grab some popcorn and a good seat, and enjoy the entertainment.

Mercury's retrograde will begin on July 14th (July 15th Europe and east), and whenever any planet is at it's station, there could be a few problems. A planetary station is the point it changes directions, either direct to retrograde (retrograde station) or retrograde to direct (direct station). Because Mercury is represented by the winged messenger, we may encounter travel delays and detours. We may also find it difficult to communicate, both written and verbal. Mercury also rules internet communications, so there could be transmission errors from texts getting lost, to banking errors, to getting dropped from your favorite chat room. But, that only lasts for about 3 days (one day before the station, the day of retrograde station, and one day after).

The planets in our solar system don't actually change directions in their orbits. They just appear that way to us. Its similar to passing a car on the highway. As we pass the car, there is a point where the car appears to be moving backward against the background. Then as we pull farther ahead, the car appears to be moving forward again. All the planets, except the Sun and Moon, turn retrograde from time to time. That's because either we are passing it, or it is passing us on our solar racetrack. The planet is close to the earth at that time, and its gravitational influence is stronger.

Once Mercury gets on his backwards trek, by July 16th, there will be other planetary battles going on. Those conflicts could cause some upheaval that may get blamed on Mercury's retrograde. There will be a few, possibly those born under a Mercury retrograde, or those lucky enough to not have any major planets or power points in their natal charts in conflict with the outer planet war, who will actually find that romance, friendship, and special events pop up in their lives right away. For the rest of us, by the first day of Ramadan, July 20th, we will also begin to enjoy the adventures of this Mercury retrograde.

Mercury will be singing with Uranus and dancing with Jupiter as his orbit begins to pass between us and the Sun. The whole week of July 23rd could bring some intriguing opportunities and surprises. Life could become exciting, and there is a strong potential for old friends and new friends to come into our lives. Brain storms will be running over, and it will be an excellent time for short trips and new ideas. By the Full Moon on August 1st, Mercury will be bouncing ideas off Neptune, the ruler of the occult. Visits from passed over loved ones will be very likely until Mercury turns direct on August 8th. It will also be a good time for any kind of spiritual connections.

How will Mercury's retrograde affect you? Mercury's retrograde will pass from 12 degrees 33 minutes Leo to 1 degree 26 minutes Leo. Get out your natal chart and pencil in Mercury's path to see which house or houses he will transit. The house or houses Mercury will be traveling through will determine the specific areas of your life that will be affected. Also if Mercury conjuncts (0 degrees) or squares (90 degrees) a planet or power point in your chart, there could be more difficulties. Also check your houses that begin in either Gemini or Virgo (ruled by Mercury). These houses could also be influenced by Mercury's retrograde.

This news article is brought to you by ADDICTIONS - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Month of Cancer, 2012

The Zodiac Month Ahead The Sensation of Feeling Good

What we all can expect from the forecast of our planetary skies 20 June to 22 July.


"Metamorphosis in Cancer persons occurs mainly through feeling. The consciousness of Cancer is fed by feeling and emotion; all sensational life is active here and is instantly registered, from the coarsest physical feeling to the most exquisite, delicately nuanced spiritual touch, according to the purity and quality of the individual. Just as a lake reflects the immediate view above and about it, much as a mirror, so the sign of Cancer reflects in the soul of its native the consciousness of feelings and forces from the environment and people." ~John Jocelyn

Sun enters Cancer 20 June

Cancer grants the collective the cardinal energy that leads through the element of water. As we initiate another season, spending time in the flows of intuition and receptivity are favored. The Crab urges us to reflect and bask in a sensitive nature that is engaged in enlivened spirit verses the deception of the darkened senses to reap the soul's true rewards. Our Mother Moon assures we have the capacity to cozy up to our purist emotions, be with the honor of family, and find enjoyment within our home environments. Cancer possesses the innate ability to nurture and equally is the expert when it comes to taking care of others, as a paternal instinct provokes them to protect what they cherish, while best to avoid doing so with a smothering energy.

Saturn goes Direct in Libra 25 June

Our Karmic Adjustor planet Saturn has been taking up review within The Scales since 07 February, offering his last passage of reflection from the 29th degree of Libra. As he now moves forward at the 22nd degree, the collective can take up in the final learning from the present experiences within this piece of the Zodiac Pie. He has asked that we strive to develop balance, impartiality and true maneuverability here and leave judgment out of the picture to achieve our goals. Saturn concludes his transit here for another 28-30 years upon 05 October. If you have taken the time to absorb the patience pace this area of life has requested since October 2010, you will have discovered how much harmony and diplomacy now has you passionately involved in the wisdom that the justice of Libra bestows upon us all.

Mercury enters Leo 25 June, Retrogrades 14 July

Mercury joins up with The Lion this summer for an extra long passage until 31 August. This grants the collective's communications to prefer noble and respected methods, while authoritarian reactions should be avoided in this area of the life, especially from 14 July to 08 August under Retrograde. Under review within a fixed energy, our Messenger's flexibility is more of a challenge to reach. The development of humbleness and organization will aide in preventing stagnation to occur. Gravitating to creative, independent, and ample energies allow for mentalities and thoughts to align in comprehensive and dignified means of expression.

Mars enters Libra 03 July

The Virgin will definitely begin to take a deep sigh of relief as our Pioneer moves on to bring drive and action within The Scales. Mars has been in a long passage in Virgo since 10 November 2011. Now, he is ready to start motivating refined desires within Libra until 23 August. A relaxed and more well-regulated energy will have the potential to unfold with this transit, as the stimulation of the power of reaction and compromise can be easily reached with courteous and persuasive attitudes. What Father Saturn has been asking for you to learn the most comes into its' intensity as he and Mars will conjunct at 24 degrees Libra upon 15 August. This will be a divine time to truly take up in seeing both sides of the emergences here. By allowing balance to persist, the outcome that can be made through the requirement of hard work, is assured to regulate the energies to unfold self-reliance we are meant to begin to depend upon.

Uranus goes Retrograde in Aries 13 July

Our planet of innovation and originality takes up with a reflective passage that will continue until 13 December from 08 to 04 degrees Aries. As he reached the infamous square to Pluto retrograding over in Capricorn in June, this offering for creating structure will continue throughout our Summer and early Autumn to the 06 degree of these Cardinal points. While squaring off energies are typically viewed as challenging- there is the opportunity to examine how these two areas of the life are ideally meant to take on more determination and spiritual energy through the strengthening of the will. The collective can expect inventive ways to tap into authority, character and independence to bring forth endurance and stability between these energies when the aversion of explosive and fanatical reactions is adhered to.

As Cancer engages us all to spiral in the true spirit of emotion and the channel of a healthy imagination, the inspiration to feel exceptional sensation within the life guides the intuition to innately be able to be receptive to taking a genuine leap of faith within our soul.

This article is brought to you by DAILY HOROSCOPE.